This webinar features a presentation on “Global Warming’s Six Americas,” a market segmentation analysis of different groups of Americans and their views on climate change: Alarmed; Concerned; Cautious; Disengaged: Doubtful; and Dismissive. Based on an awareness of different views about climate change, the webinar focuses on ways that state DOTs and other transportation organizations can communicate with the public about climate change and energy issues. The webinar also includes discussion of the state DOT role in communicating about climate change vis-à-vis other state and Federal agencies.

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Presented by:

Connie Roser-Renouf, The Center for Climate Change Communication, George Mason University
Joan Rohlfs, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
Liz Hormann, Oregon Department of Transportation

Other Resources:

Webinar was held Thursday, December 2, 2010 under sponsorship of AASHTO, the Center for Environmental Excellence, and FHWA.