This Webinar highlights the analysis of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and transportation-related strategies for reducing GHG emissions in three large urban areas: Atlanta, Washington, D.C. and San Francisco. These three MPOs have done extensive analysis of GHG emissions and what it would take to achieve significant emission reductions through transportation measures. Panelists discuss the analysis methodologies used, baseline GHG emissions and anticipated growth, population growth and how that will impact GHG emissions, setting reduction targets and timelines, and the full array of strategies studied to reduce GHG emissions. The analysis completed in each of these three areas is being used to better inform regional decision makers of the challenges and opportunities that MPOs face in attempting to reduce transportation-related GHG emissions.

Due to technical difficulties, the video portion of the webinar recording does not begin until 8:57.

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Presented by:

Jane Hayse, Atlanta Regional Commission
Ron Kirby, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
Doug Kimsey, Representative from San Francisco Metropolitan Transportation Commission

Webinar was held Thursday, November 4, 2010 under sponsorship of AASHTO, the Center for Environmental Excellence, and FHWA.