This webinar covers strategies a state DOT can consider to reduce GHG through moderating or reducing VMT growth, and includes a discussion of the various strategies to limit or reduce VMT through land use, carpooling/vanpooling, telework programs, transit, bike/ped, and other means. Presentations include a profile of Maine DOT’s Gateway 1 project and their coordination of land use/transportation planning with local governments, and FHWA strategies for reducing GHG. This webinar has been approved for 2.0 AICP CM credits.

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Presented by:

Kat Beaudoin, AICP, MaineDOT Bureau of Transportation Systems Planning, Chief of Planning
Brian Lagerberg,Washington State DOT
Kathy Leotta, Washington State DOT
Sarah Siwek, Sarah J. Siwek & Associates, VMT Strategies Overview
Gloria Shepherd, FHWA, VMT GHG-Reducing Strategies

Webinar conducted May 5, 2010 under sponsorship of AASHTO, the Center for Environmental Excellence, and FHWA.