Research Idea Details

What are the Appropriate Trade-offs to Air quality in order to meet Climate Change or Livability Goals?

Research Idea Scope

Given that many states are moving forward with climate adaption plans or state regulations that require transportation plans to include climate change strategies a look at conformity/air quality implications from adopting long term climate reduction strategies would be helpful (co-benefit, dis-benefit).  As an example cleaner burning fuels may increase CO2 through more complete combustion, while beneficial for air quality not so much for CO2, some vehicle retrofit programs have the same result as do other congestion mitigation programs.  Other LRP strategies that could potentially improve climate change (such as livability, anti-car planning) could be at the expense of mobility/congestion which intern increases air pollution.  

Urgency and Payoff

Suggested By:
Beverly Chenausky, Arizona Department of Transportation 602.712.7487