
Research on transportation and environmental issues is conducted by a wide range of agencies and organizations, including state and federal transportation agencies, University Transportation Centers, the Transportation Research Board (including the National Cooperative Highway Research Program), and others.

Featured Research

On-Bridge Stormwater Treatment Practices (2024)

NCHRP Research Report 1117: On-Bridge Stormwater Treatment Practices: A Guide, from TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program, presents a guide for determining the feasibility of on-bridge stormwater treatments for bridges and what design, construction, and operation and maintenance approaches are necessary to mitigate risks and balance costs with environmental protection.

TERI Database

The Transportation and Environmental Research Ideas (TERI) database is a central storehouse for tracking and sharing new transportation and environmental research ideas.


The National Cooperative Highway Research Program conducts research in problem areas that affect highway planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance in the United States.

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