

Climate Resilience: US and International Approaches (June 2020)

This AASHTO-sponsored webinar included an overview of AASHTO’s mission in resilience and presentations on international resilience approaches and projects.

Recent Webinars

Integration of Climate Change Projections in Hydrologic and Hydraulic Design in Transportation Projects

This webinar will feature selected methods and tools used by transportation agencies in the United States and overseas to account for climate data in the hydrologic and hydraulic design of transportation facilities.

Building Organizational Resilience

How do you create a resilient organization in the face of recurring extreme events? This webinar from the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development addressed “hurricane fatigue” and how they continue to build organizational resilience.

Cyber Resilience

The transportation sector is the third most vulnerable sector to cyber-attacks. This webinar from Colorado DOT showed what DOTs should know and how they can be better prepared.

Resilience & Transportation

Resilience will directly impact our transportation system and already is impacting it in certain areas. We also need resilient systems to deal with upcoming impacts. We dive deep into Resilience issues, how problems can be mitigated in transportation planning, how the industry is impacted by issues, ways our systems can be upgraded in the near-term, and how we can plan for resilient systems in the future.

Climate Change Mitigation/Adaptation State-by-State Listing

Here is a listing of state-by-state links to documents, powerpoints, and other information on state DOT climate change and energy activities. It includes reports, policies, plans, and research sponsored by the designated state DOT or part of a collaborative effort that involves the state DOT. It includes information on both greenhouse gas mitigation activities as well as climate adaptation activities.

4th Climate Assessment (webpage)

Executive Order N-19-19

State of California Sea-Level Rise Guidance 2018 Update

Paying it Forward: The Path Toward Climate-Safe Infrastructure in California (2018)

California Forest Carbon Plan (2018)

Safeguarding California Plan: 2018 Update – California’s Climate Adaptation Strategy

Caltrans Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments (webpage)

Planning and Investing for a Resilient California – A Guidebook for State Agencies (2017)

FHWA Case Study: District 1 Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Pilot Studies (2016) (FHWA Pilot)

Transformative Climate Communities Program/ AB 2722 (Sept. 2016)

Caltrans Uses Technology to Capture Solar Energy in Transportation Infrastructure, California DOT (March 2016)

Sacramento Area Council of Governments 2016 Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (Feb. 2016)

Guidance for Incorporating Sea Level Rise into Capital Planning in San Francisco (revised Dec. 2015)

E.O. B-30-15: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Target (April 2015)

Case Study: Surfers Point Managed Retreat Project (Jan. 2015)

Final Report: District 1 Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Pilot Studies (Dec. 2014) (FHWA Pilot)

Final Report: Climate Change and Extreme Weather Adaptation Options For Transportation Assets In The Bay Area Pilot Project (December 2014) (FHWA Pilot)

Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Study for the City of Los Angeles (Dec. 2013)

Preparing California for Extreme Heat: Guidance and Recommendations (Oct. 2013)

Indicators of Climate Change in California (Aug. 2013)

Caltrans Activities to Address Climate Change (April 2013)

Case Study: Sea-Level Rise Guidance Document (March 2013)

Case Study: Addressing Climate Change Adaptation in Regional Transportation Plans: A Guide for California MPOs and RTPAs (Feb. 2013)

FTA Pilot Case Study: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (2011)

Caltrans Guidance on Incorporating Sea Level Rise (May 2011)

San Francisco Metropolitan Transportation Commission Case Study (2010)

Case Study: Adapting to Rising Tides: Transportation Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Pilot Project (2010) (FHWA Pilot)

Cal-Adapt (webpage)

Caltrans Climate Change Branch (webpage)

California Energy Commission: Climate Change Partnerships (webpage)

Ocean Protection Council: OPC Climate Change Program (webpage)

California Air Resource Board Assembly Bill 32 Scoping Plan (webpage)

CARB Sustainable Communities Strategies (webpage)

CA Transportation Commission Transportation Planning (webpage)

Metropolitan Transportation Commission Pilot Project: Adapting to Rising Tides (webpage)

Plan Bay Area 2040 (webpage)

NYSDOT’s Solar Highway Initiative (Aug. 2016)

2015 NYS Energy Plan

Final Report: Climate Vulnerability and Economic Assessment for At-Risk Transportation Infrastructure in the Lake Champlain Basin (Dec. 2015) (FHWA Pilot)

Responding to Climate Change in New York State, NYSERDA (2011 and 2014 update)

NYSDOT Transportation Asset Management Plan (May 2014)

Road Weather Information System Statewide Implementation Plan (April 2014)

FHWA Case Study: Climate Vulnerability and Economic Assessment for At-Risk Transportation Infrastructure in the Lake Champlain Basin (2013) (FHWA Pilot)

FHWA Case Study: Tappan Zee Bridge NEPA Analysis (2013)

NYS2100 Commission Releases Preliminary Report with Recommendations to Improve the Strength and Resilience of the Empire State’s Infrastructure (Jan. 2013)

Transportation During and After Hurricane Sandy, New York University Rudin Center for Transportation (Nov. 2012)

Guide for Optimizing the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Roadway Lighting: Final Report, NYSDOT (June 2012)

Reducing Vehicle Miles Traveled through Smart Land-Use Design (Dec. 2011)

NYSDOT Synthesis Study: Mainstreaming Adaptation Strategies into NYSDOT Operations (Oct. 2011)

New York State Climate Action Council Climate Action Plan Interim Report (Nov. 2010)

Charge NY, NYSERDA (webpage)

Climate Change and Energy Efficiency Initiative of the NY State DOT (webpage)

New York Climate Change Science Clearing House (webpage)

NY Rising Community Reconstruction Program (webpage)

NYSDOT GreenLITES (webpage)

NYSDOT Smart Planning (webpage)

NY Truck Voucher Incentive Program (webpage)

Sea Level Rise Tool for Sandy Recovery (webpage)

Oregon Sustainable Transportation Initiative (OSTI)

Fourth Oregon Climate Assessment Report (2019, exec summary)

Oregon Statewide Transportation Strategy: A 2050 Vision for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction (2018 Monitoring Report)

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Toolkit (webpage)

Green Infrastructure Techniques for Resilience of the Oregon Coast Highway (2018) (FHWA Pilot)

Sea Level Rise Exposure Inventory for Oregon’s Estuaries (2017)

Enhanced Assessment of Projected Landslide Activity Under Precipitation and Seismicity (2017)

Coastal Landslide and Bluff Retreat Monitoring for Climate Change Adaptation and Targeted Risk Assessment (2016)

How Tillamook Weathered the Storm: A Case Study (2016)

Final Report: Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Options Study (FHWA Pilot) (Dec. 2015)

Oregon Climate and Health Vulnerability Assessment (2015)

Oregon Climate and Health Profile Report (2014)

Oregon Statewide Transportation Strategy: A 2050 Vision for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction (2013)

Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Report (April 2012)

Real-Time Change and Damage Detection of Landslides and Other Earth Movements Threatening Public Infrastructure (March 2012)

Identifying Surface Transportation Vulnerabilities and Risk Assessment Opportunities Under Climate Change (2011)

FHWA Case Study: Considering Climate Change in the Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Environmental Study (NEPA) (2010)

Cool Planning: A Handbook on Local Strategies to Slow Climate Change (webpage)

ODOT Climate Change (webpage)

ODOT Electric Vehicles and Infrastructure Program (webpage)

ODOT Green Light Weigh Station Preclearance (webpage)

ODOT Solar Highways (webpage)

Sustainable Transportation Action Plan 2015-2017

Project-Level Greenhouse Gas Evaluations under NEPA and SEPA (Nov. 2016)

Final Report: Creating a Resilient Transportation Network in Skagit County (2015)

Governor Jay Inslee’s E.O. 14-04 Washington Carbon Pollution Reduction and Clean Energy (2014)

Case Study: Creating a Resilient Transportation Network in Skagit County (2013)

Preparing for a Changing Climate: Washington State’s Integrated Climate Change Response Strategy, Department of Ecology (April 2012)

LED Adaptive lighting and illumination reform (2017)

Climate Change Impact Assessment for Surface Transportation in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, WSDOT (Feb. 2012)

Climate Impacts Vulnerability Assessment Report (Nov. 2011)

Assessment of Urban Form and Pedestrian and Transit Improvements as an Integrated GHG Reduction Strategy, WSDOT (April 2011)

Climate Impacts Vulnerability Assessment (FHWA Pilot Case Study) (2010)

Department of Ecology Biennial Reports to the Governor and Legislature (webpage)

Department of Ecology – Air and Climate

WSDOT: Climate Change – Adapting and Preparing (web page)

WSDOT Sustainable Transportation (webpage)

WSDOT West Coast Green Highway Initiative (webpage)

RCW 43.21M.010 Development of strategy – Integrated Climate Change Response Strategy

RCW 47.01.440 Adoption of statewide goals to reduce annual per capita vehicle miles traveled by 2050

RCW 70.235.020 Greenhouse gas emissions reductions

RCW 70.235.070 Distribution of funds for infrastructure and capital development projects

External Links