Equity & Environmental Justice
Transportation and Environmental Justice often intertwine, and there are resources available to ensure that projects and programs avoid adversely affecting minority and low-income populations and communities.
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2020 Environmental Justice Peer Exchange
This virtual peer exchange was designed to assist State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) in sharing environmental justice best practices and lessons learned.
Recent News
Equity & Environmental Justice Overview
Ensuring environmental justice is key in new transportation projects and planning.
We dive deep into environmental justice issues and how problems can be mitigated throughout the industry.
External Links
FHWA Environmental Justice Reference Guide (2015)
FHWA Environmental Justice website and Peer Exchange/webinar resource page
An Overview of Transportation and Environmental Justice (FHWA)
Environmental Justice in Transportation: Emerging Trends and Best Practices Guidebook (FHWA)
NTI Advanced-Level Environmental Justice Workshop, National Transit Institute
Environmental Justice Policy Guidance For Federal Transit Administration Recipients (FTA Circular 4703.1, July 2012)
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board No. 2320 (February 2013) This edition of the journal includes 13 research papers focusing on the role of environmental justice, social factors, and gender-related issues in transportation.
NCHRP Report 710: Practical Approaches for Involving Traditionally Underserved Populations in Transportation Decisionmaking (NCHRP Project 8-72, March 2012)
NCHRP Research Results Digest 340: State DOT Best Practices for Title VI Compliance (NCHRP Project 20-65, Task 18) and companion document: NCHRP Web-Only Document 147: Reference Materials for State DOT Title VI Compliance
NCHRP Report 456: Guidebook for Assessing the Social and Economic Effects of Transportation Projects
NCHRP Report 532: Effective Methods for Environmental Justice Assessment (2004)