Environmental Justice Community of Practice

The Environmental Justice (EJ) Community of Practice (CoP) in no longer active.


The Environmental Justice CoP was a forum for DOT and metropolitan planning organization (MPO) practitioners to hold regular discussions regarding EJ emerging issues, and analyze the state of the practice and its implementation.

Environmental Justice Community of Practice Webinars and Events

The Environmental Justice CoP hosted several webinars/events on issues affecting EJ practitioners and their work.

July 2020: Environmental Justice Peer Exchange

In partnership with the Federal Highway Administration and the Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (AMPO), the Center for Environmental Excellence at AASHTO held an Environmental Justice Virtual Peer Exchange. The two hour Virtual Peer Exchange was broken up into two panel discussions, one focused on the connection between health and transportation and the other on Planning and Environment Linkages (PEL). The topics for the event were selected based on a recent survey of the AASHTO Environmental Justice (EJ) Community of Practice. Webinar and Peer Exchange Materials.

January 2020: Environmental Justice Data Analysis

AASHTO’s Center for Environmental Excellence, in collaboration with FHWA, held a webinar on Environmental Justice Data and Environmental Justice Analysis. This webinar featured presentations from a Metropolitan Transportation Commission and a state DOT, and a case study from a Regional Planning Commission. Webinar and Presentation materials.

December 2019: Environmental Justice Analysis Strategies at the 2019 AMPO Annual Conference

AASHTO’s Center for Environmental Excellence, in collaboration with FHWA and AMPO, held a peer exchange on Environmental Justice Analysis Strategies at the 2019 AMPO Annual Conference. This webinar featured highlights and updates from the session from FHWA, AMPO, and AASHTO, as well as presentations from a state DOT and MPO on their peer exchange takeaways and EJ efforts. Link to the Infographic, and Webinar Presentation materials

July 2019: EJ Training Needs Assessment Survey Webinar

The Center for Environmental Excellence held a webinar about the survey of the Environmental Justice Community of Practice regarding training needs. The survey questions focused on the frequency of trainings, information, resource gaps, emerging and innovative issues, and members’ familiarity with existing resources. During this webinar, the Center shared the results of the survey and engaged with participants to develop a path forward to address these needs. Webinar and Presentation materials.

2017-2018 Series

Webinar No. 4 – Disproportionate Impact from Planning and/or Project Delivery: March 15, 2018.

This webinar includes presentations from Wisconsin DOT on how their EJ process handled the US151/Verona Road project, and Ohio DOT on best-practices at Beavercreek Bus Battle. Webinar and Presentation materials.

Webinar No. 3 – Guidance and Consistency of Analysis: January 30, 2018.

This webinar includes an FHWA EJ update; a presentation on Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission’s work on creating a curated data set that aims to analyze EJ and equity issues; and, a case study on Kentucky’s EJ work on Newton Pike. Webinar and Presentation materials.

Webinar No. 2 – Meaningful Community Engagement: November 17, 2017.

This webinar discusses what “meaningful community engagement” means, with examples of resources, case studies, and successful processes used to increase the quantity and quality of community engagement from DOTs, MPOs, and FHWA. Webinar and Presentation materials.

Webinar No. 1 – Environmental Justice Oversight: September 14, 2017.

This webinar includes a federal oversight summary, a review of the Center’s past EJ work, and a discussion on EJ analysis focused on the planning phase. DOTs and MPOs share their views of what constitutes good EJ analysis, and lessons learned and best practices. The webinar is for geared toward practitioners working in planning, public involvement, and Title VI. Webinar and Presentation materials.

Environmental Justice Project Level Challenges – Recap and Discussion October 31, 2017.

The conference call recapped the Environmental Justice sessions at AMPO’s Annual Meeting. Speakers from the session provided an overview of their presentations, summarized the tabletop discussions with MPOs, and discussed key takeaways for the Community of Practice. Event materials.