Programmatic Agreements Library (PAL)

Each agreement has been surveyed to provide in depth information on its development and use.

PAL is an easy to use, central library where practitioners can find programmatic agreements, and similar documents like concurrence letters, developed to support transportation projects. Programmatic agreements establish a streamlined process for handling routine environmental requirements for commonly encountered project types, thus typically reducing the number of steps and time required for project review and approval.

Programmatic agreements have been developed over the years by State Departments of Transportation and/or FHWA in partnership with resource agencies to streamline compliance with federal environmental laws (e.g., the National Environmental Policy Act – Categorical Exclusion, the Endangered Species Act, and the National Historic Preservation Act). Successful programmatic agreements are those where the state DOT has demonstrated the capacity and capability through their procedures and staff competencies.

Check out The Roadmap for Developing and Implementing Programmatic Agreements for a user-friendly guide through the process required to develop and implement a programmatic agreement. The Roadmap provides relevant examples of successes and challenges at key decision points, as well as highlights successful strategies for establishing programmatic agreements, including common phrasing/clauses, scope, and structure.



PAL includes examples of executed programmatic agreements; summarizes agreement information; contains a link to the full agreement; and provides on-going access for practitioners to research agreements that meet specific requirements. Each agreement presented has been surveyed to provide in depth information on its development and use.

Anyone can view the agreements in PAL and all are welcome to submit additional programmatic agreements for inclusion. Once you have submitted an agreement to be added to the library, you will be contacted to participate in a telephone survey prior to including your agreement in the library. Use the filters to find agreements relevant to you or the search function if you are looking for something specific.


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