Research Idea Details
Home » Accuracy of Traffic Forecasting Over Time in Environmental Studies
Accuracy of Traffic Forecasting Over Time in Environmental Studies
- Focus Area: NEPA Process
- Status: Archived
- Subcommittee: Environmental Process
- Cost: Unknown
- Timeframe: Unknown
Research Idea Scope
Analyze the accuracy of traffic forecasting over time, data that was used in environmental analysis/studies. For example, a 1980 traffic study for a particular project looked at the traffic numbers in a 10, 20, 30 year horizon. How close was the 2010 data estimated in 1980 in 2010?
Urgency and Payoff
Analysis may provide insight as to whether traffic forecasting, looked at over time, turns out to be correct. Because traffic forecasting is employed in other analysis (ie, noise, air quality, community impacts), incorrect projections could also skew other environmental studies. Inaccurate data could also affect the purpose and need of a project.
Suggested By:
Ken Lastufka, California Department of Transportation
Ken Lastufka, California Department of Transportation