Research Idea Details
Home » Best Management Practices for Protecting Water Resources from Impacts From Adjacent Unpaved Roads
Best Management Practices for Protecting Water Resources from Impacts From Adjacent Unpaved Roads
- Focus Area: Water Quality/Wetlands
- Status: Archived
- Subcommittee: Natural Resources
- Cost: Unknown
- Timeframe: Unknown
Research Idea Scope
The study would review existing approaches used to protect water resources near low-volume, unpaved roads.
The study would evaluate the effectiveness of current practices in road design, construction, maintenance and closure.
The study would recommend a suite of the most effective methods for water quality protection from low-volume, unpaved roads.
Urgency and Payoff
States, municipalities, tribal entities, and other land managers would have access to methods and techniques determined to be effective at reducing the nonpoint source pollution impacts associated with dirt and gravel roads to receiving waters.
Suggested By:
Chris Solloway, US Environmental Protection Agency
Chris Solloway, US Environmental Protection Agency