Best Practices for Mitigation of potential flood risk for transportation projects

Focus Area

Environmental Considerations in Planning








2-3 years

Research Idea Scope

The proposed study would incorporate No Adverse Impact floodplain management and mitigation into future planned transportation projects. The objective is to evaluate potential flood risk for transportation projects early in development to assist with early decision-making.

Urgency and Payoff

Presently SCDOT has had to delay several safety projects to determine a method to address potential backwater concerns. This study would assist in evaluating if a backwater condition is an adverse impact. This study is essential to streamline projects requiring a USACE 404 permit. If the study can demonstrate that there is a minimum backwater elevation that is allowed before an adverse effect occurs, it will assist both USACE and SCDOT in the permitting process because we can now adequately address USACE’s Public Interest Review Factor for flooding. The study will address potential backwater conditions in future project planning.

Suggested By

Tucker Creed South Carolina Department of Transportation 803-737-0356

[email protected]

