Research Idea Details

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Landscape-Scale Water Quality Treatments

Research Idea Scope

What would be the more effective landscape-scale water quality solution given limited financial resources; a relatively small aerial coverage with high efficiency BMPs (e.g. large ponds and sand filters) or widespread coverage using low efficiency but low cost BMPs (e.g. hydrodynamic separators, compost-amended filter strips, biofiltration swales)?
Could wide application of inexpensive stormwater management options like compost-amended filter strips have a greater overall effect on water quality than limited application of expensive but highly efficient BMPs? For example, would 80 percent coverage with low efficiency but low-cost BMPs provide equivalent or better overall water quality compared to 20 percent coverage with high efficiency BMPs, costing approximately the same overall?
 Also of interest is the relative operation and maintenance costs of compact, high-efficiency, high cost, BMPs compared to wide area, low-efficiency, low cost BMPs.

Urgency and Payoff

Suggested By:
RNS. Sponsoring Committee: AFB40, Landscape and Environmental Design