Research Idea Details
Home » Effective Organizational Structures and Management Practices for Achieving Environmental Stewardship in Transportation Agencies
Effective Organizational Structures and Management Practices for Achieving Environmental Stewardship in Transportation Agencies
- Focus Area: NEPA Process
- Status: Archived
- Subcommittee: Environmental Process
- Cost: $100k-$249k
- Timeframe: Unknown
Research Idea Scope
TERI Administrator Note (June 2007): Funded as NCHRP Project 25-25, Task 37. Completion date 10/31/08.
The research will focus on reviewing transportation agencies for strategies and tools that assist the agencies in integrating environmental stewardship into their cultures and into their business practices. The areas of organizational culture and business practices that should be evaluated include but are not limited to: High-level leadership that communicates the need for environmental stewardship; Strategic plans and mission statements that reflect a commitment to environmental stewardship; Adequacy of budgetary commitments to fulfill the plans and missions; Placement, authority, and empowerment of key staff within the organization to implement environmental stewardship;Outreach to determine the customer’s needs and expectations for environmental stewardship; Human resource decisions (hiring, recruitment, professional development, accountability, awards, and recognition) consistent with the objectives of environmental stewardship; Environmental management systems that promote environmental consciousness in all agency functions; Performance measures for environmental stewardship;Continuous reevaluation and process improvement; and Partnering to achieve stewardship goals.
Proposed study tasks include: Conduct a literature review;Meet with transportation agencies from all modes, including state departments of transportation (DOTs) and major transit agencies; Synthesize data;Evaluate and summarize the most effective methods currently used; and Recommend ways in which environmental stewardship could be further enhanced (e.g.,management and organizational techniques).
Urgency and Payoff
Transportation Research Board 2002 Environmental Research Needs Conference Notes