Research Idea Details

Environmental Review of Chemical Products

Research Idea Scope

NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 53-19 is a project projected to finish in 2024. The focus of the project was on State DOT product evaluation programs (PEPs) to evaluate product potential and long-term performance. Unfortunately, the project scope did not include any review of if or how State DOT evaluate how proposed chemical products might impact the environment or worker health and safety. Accordingly, additional research is warranted to provide DOTs a framework that can be used to determine whether chemicals pose a significant risk for environmental impact or long-term environmental waste management liability, or pose a significant hazard to worker health and safety that would require product restrictions or other controls. Potential scope items of this research include:
• Evaluate the data collected during the Synthesis 20-5/Topic 53-19 to determine how chemical product evaluations fit into existing PEP workflows;
• Conduct survey of State DOT existing Environmental and Industrial Hygiene review process;
• Identify the subject matter experts to engage in review;
• Determine feasible criteria that can be used to evaluate the products and appropriate rating system;
• Develop a Guidebook for DOTs.

Urgency and Payoff

More and more chemical products are being introduced or repurposed in different ways, such as Cured In Place Pipe) that have the potential to impacts the environment or worker health and safety. The impacts can have significant consequences to DOT budgets and project work schedules if the potential impacts are not fully evaluated prior to use. Providing a guidebook on product evaluation options and criteria can assist DOTs reduce potential liability issues and meet waste reduction goals.

Suggested By:
David Wilson