Research Idea Details
Home » Evaluating Northern Long Eared Bat use of trees along highway corridors
Evaluating Northern Long Eared Bat use of trees along highway corridors
- Focus Area: Wildlife & Ecosystems
- Status: Archived
- Subcommittee: Natural Resources
- Cost: $100k-$249k
- Timeframe: Under 1 year
Research Idea Scope
Very little information is available on the Northern Long Eared bat’s likely use of vegetation flanking highway corridors. The objective of this research is to review existing data on the bat’s behavior, habitat preferences, nesting strategies, tree species and size preferences, and how these might intersect with typical highway vegetation. The research should also focus on the effect of roadside tree removals on the bat at critical periods of its life cycle. The goal is to provide information to highway organizations so they may better evaluate Northern Long Eared bat use of highway corridors.
Urgency and Payoff
This research is urgent because of the impending listing of the Northern Long Eared bat as a federal endangered species in 39 states. The listing will dramatically affect the workload of highway agencies in their efforts to evaluate impacts of tree removals on the bat. Tree removal is a common activity along the roadside, so many projects are affected by the possibility of informal and formal consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Margaret Barondess Michigan Department of Transportation 517-335-2621