Research Idea Details

Integrate Transportation Related BMPs into the International Stormwater BMP Database

Research Idea Scope

Integrate low impact development and other transportation related BMPs into the Interantional Stormwater BMP Database (  The major subcategories of this task are itemized below. 

a.  Working with a panel of experts, identify what aspects of LID BMPs, overall LID development information, and LID performance need to be included in LID protocols and how the BMP Database should be restructured to accommodate these features.  This task may also invlove updating the BMP monitoring manual to integrate LID, as described above.  

b.  Integrate LID into the BMP Database by completing these tasks:  1) prepare data entry spreadsheets for LID; 2) modify existing user’s guide to accommodate LID; 3) modify “backend” tables and integrate new tables to accommodate LID; 4) prepare upload tool that connects data entry spreadsheets to backend; and 5) complete necessary modifications to web-based search engine. 

c.  With the help of the expert panel (as described above), evaluate the question of how LID studies should be analyzed to provide the most meaningful information, including consideration of hydrologic performance, as well as the differences between overall LID site performance versus individual LID techniques. 

Urgency and Payoff

The vast majority of BMPs in the database are well-known BMPs such as “wet ponds.”   To better serve the needs of the water resources and transportation communities, the BMP database requires an upgrade to quantify the performance of LID technologies, centered on the hydrologic performance of LID practices and systems.

The new generation of LID stormwater management practices, such as bioretention and green roofs, have the potential to: reduce life cycle facility costs; capture and reuse rainwater as a resource; prevent, rather than treat, pollution; and restore and protect estuaries, ocean waters, and fresh drinking water supplies.  At stake is billions of dollars that are now being invested nationwide in stormwater practices to mitigate flooding and protect waterbodies that serve as drinking water, recreational, and fishery resources. 

Suggested By:
Jeff Moeller, Water Environment Research Foundation, Telephone: 703-684-2461.