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Home » International scan on the successful accommodation of renewable energy technologies in highway ROW
International scan on the successful accommodation of renewable energy technologies in highway ROW
- Focus Area: Sustainability
- Status: Archived
- Subcommittee: Air Quality, Environmental Process
- Cost: $100k-$249k
- Timeframe: Under 1 year
Research Idea Scope
The objective of the proposed international scan would
be to collect lessons learned and success stories from the earliest adopters of
the novel approach to power generation.
Urgency and Payoff
State DOTs in the US are beginning to explore the use of
highway ROW for accommodating renewable energy technology. To date, few
domestic examples exist from which technology options and/or business model
approaches can be gleaned. The Volpe Center prepared for FHWA a recent report
to facilitate deployment, see
By examining what other countries have done successfully
to foster highway ROW as a resource for energy production, storage and
utilization, state DOTs will be better equipped to consider their own highway
renewable energy opportunities, and to implement international Best Practices applicable to the US
transportation and energy regulatory environment.
Carson Poe, Gina Filosa, and Aviva Brecher, USDOT Volpe Center 617-494-2765