Research Idea Details
Home » Low Berm Measuring and Modeling
Low Berm Measuring and Modeling
- Focus Area: Noise
- Status: Archived
- Subcommittee: Environmental Process
- Cost: $100k-$249k
- Timeframe: 1-2 years
Research Idea Scope
Field test and model 12-15 low berms along different roadways and document the results. Compare the measured to the modeled results. Compare the results to typical structural noise barrier results.
Tabulate the results from the field work into a spreadsheet and analyze the data. Identify patterns in the data and summarize. Model low berm locations in TNM2.5 using the berm and contour line features and compare results to the field data. Compare the results of this study to other similar studies done by Ohio DOT and Caltrans.
Urgency and Payoff
Successfully utilizing the results of this study could result in a significant annual costs savings for noise barrier construction and noise barrier maintenance. These savings will compound over time as low berms are constructed in place of structural noise walls. In addition, there may be qualitative benefits related to a better quality of life for the adjacent residents, motorists, and wildlife that interact with the low berm (versus the structural wall).
Noel Alcala