Research Idea Details
Home » Optical Polluted Air Surveillance System
Optical Polluted Air Surveillance System
- Focus Area: Air Quality
- Status: Archived
- Subcommittee: Air Quality
- Cost: $500k-$750k
- Timeframe: 1-2 years
Research Idea Scope
Traffic flow has many adverse effects on its surroundings. Efforts to improve traffic operations traditionally focus on some of these factors, such as trip time and stop delay, and try to minimize undesirable parts. Perhaps due to ease of data collection and analysis some factors have been continuously used for evaluating an existing situation and measuring the effectiveness of new actions. In this project, air pollution is used for this purpose. Transportation facility and traffic flow characteristics, the sky lines on both sides of streets, stationary mobile sources, and other factors are considered. Design and implementation of a cost effective monitoring and classification system are the aim of this research undertaking. The objectives are to develop a system/model to have minimum number of stations placed at optimum locations. Two main system for pollution measurements are Sensor Based and Visual or optical measurement Systems. The Sensor Based system is mostly used a chemical detector as part of the sensors system. These sensors have two types of implementation or monitoring stations, full and simple. Simple stations have sensors for some pollutant gases and a data logger. Full stations are fully equipped with computerized analysis systems. Full stations are very expensive, therefore, their numbers have to be kept to a minimum, and their role in on line control processes should be de-emphasized. In other hand, the Visual or Optical systems are pollution-probing system for a long-range air monitoring application, generally. In this research study, focuses is based on the short range/ low cost optical system, which will be capable to be integrate in an existing infrastructure (such as Traffic Control system). Main goal of the air pollution surveillance is providing components with timely, cost-effective Optical and Imaging technologies that help the users achieve and maintain compliance and meet specific goals for Transportation Pollution Response, pollution prevention, warning, and conservation
Urgency and Payoff
1-an innovation low cost Optical/ Imaging pollution surveillance that can be integrated to the Traffic control System. 2- A linear/ area pollution sensoring that can provide better pollution distribution measurement. 3- Develop the transportation pollution generation and response model and indexes to be used in traffic congestion management dynamic system. Aiming for 5% pollution reduction in a congestion area by new liner/area pollution measurement responses. 4- Design and Prototyping ( Hardware and Software)the new Optical/Imaging Signal Processing Pollution sensor
Hassan Homami, Parsons Brinckerhoff