Research Idea Details
Home » Survey and compilation of effective designs for promoting sensitive reptile and amphibian crossings of roadway corridors
Survey and compilation of effective designs for promoting sensitive reptile and amphibian crossings of roadway corridors
- Focus Area: Wildlife & Ecosystems
- Status: Archived
- Subcommittee: Natural Resources
- Cost: Under $99k
- Timeframe: Under 1 year
Research Idea Scope
Survey of DOTs, MPOs, LPAs and NGOs regarding designs for promoting sensitive reptile and amphibian crossings of roadway corridors, effectiveness, and general cost benefit analysis including maintenance implications and costs. Divide by biotic setting (arid, mesic, temperate, tropical, etc.; include example designs, costs and specs used in contracts) (Combination of TERI ideas 665, concerns with tortoises, snakes, salamanders)
Urgency and Payoff
There is a lack of collected information on road crossing designs and strategies for sensitive amphibians and reptiles, although many separate projects have been undertaken. The design and effectiveness of structures will vary with the species’ life history and the surrounding biotic conditions. A synthesis of the approaches different DOTs and MPOs have taken to promote amphibian and reptile road crossing in different biotic settings, including both successes and lessons learned, would be beneficial for states across the U.S.
Kris Gade Arizona DOT 602-292-0301