Research Idea Details

Transportation Conformity under EPA’s Revised 8-hour Ozone NAAQS

Research Idea Scope

TERI Database Administrator Notes:  Not recommended at present time by 2009 Air Quality Subcommittee. 

With so many new areas likely to be designated nonattainment under EPA’s revised 8-hour ozone standard, new and creative ways of meeting the transportation conformity requirements will be needed in many of these areas.  Research into options allowed under the Clean Air Act as well as creative problem-solving with State DOT’s, State Environmental Agencies, US DOT/FHWA, EPA, the interested public, and appropriate elected officials/bodies are needed to address this issue in a timely manner.

Urgency and Payoff

Assist newly designated nonattainment areas under EPA’s revised 8-hour ozone NAAQS meet the transportation conformity requirements which are imposed prior to the required development of State Implementation Plans with approved motor vehicle emissions budgets which are needed to meet those requirements.

Suggested By:
Herb Williams, Texas Department of Transportation, Telephone: 512-416-2661