Research Idea Details

Transportation Environmental Analysis Electronic Index

Research Idea Scope

TERI Database Administrator Notes:  Not recommended at present time by 2009 Environmental Process Subcommittee.

The environmental process is complex. Practitioners lack easy access to guidance information needed to conduct transportation environmental analyses. An abundance of written guidance information is available electronically; however, knowledge of its existence and location is limited by its location on various federal and state transportation web sites. As a result, professionals have difficulty quickly and efficiently assembling environmental analysis guidelines and taking advantage of the experience and techniques different government jurisdictions. This is complicated by frequent turnovers and changing guidelines. There is a need to develop and implement a web based user friendly environmental assessment guidance index.

Develop a transportation environmental analysis information index. It would be a topical index of web sites containing federal and state laws, regulations, policies, procedures and guidance documents; contacts; environmental analysis flow charts; widely acceptable methodologies for environmental analyses; computer models for environmental analyses; environmental database access information; environmental analysis expert system access and case studies. Access to information in the index would be available online.  The components of the index will be developed using a phased approach as modules and made available upon completion. Recommendations will be made for maintaining the system.

Urgency and Payoff

Suggested By:
2002 Research Needs Conference Idea Transportation Research Circular Number 469 March 1997