Electric Vehicles and Technology Overview

Technology heavily impacts the transportation industry on a daily basis.

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Technologies are rapidly evolving and have the potential to transform transportation systems and how they support society.

Examples of emerging technologies include

    • Shared Vehicles
    • Connected Vehicles (CVs)
    • Fully Autonomous Vehicles (AVs)
    • Alternative Fuel Vehicles
    • Smart Cities and Communities
    • Smart Roadways
    • Big Data Analytics
    • Wireless Telecommunications
    • The Internet-Of-Things (IoT)
    • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
    • 3-D printing
    • Construction Materials and Processes

NCHRP Report 924

A National Cooperative Highway Research Program study (NCHRP Report 924) noted that, “Individually and together, these transformational technologies are already influencing how businesses and individuals use rights-of-way, curb space, and ancillary transportation facilities (e.g., parking and intermodal transfer facilities), and the land and structures accommodating activities that are travel demand intensive. Continued development and application of transformational technologies seems likely to accelerate such impacts.”

Future research and development will help determine how technologies will affect travel behavior and transportation services going forward.