Water Quality/Wetlands
Transportation agencies always consider potential impacts of projects on water resources, as well as approaches to minimize impacts of runoff. Learn more for your own agency in this section.
Home » Focus Areas » Water Quality/Wetlands
Watershed Resources Registry Helps Maryland DOT Identify Priority Restoration, Mitigation Sites
An online tool developed by transportation and environmental agencies is helping transportation officials in Maryland identify watershed restoration and mitigation opportunities for projects.

Recent News
Water Quality/Wetlands & Transportation Overview
Water quality and wetlands are often impacted by transportation projects.
We dive deep into what transportation professionals need to do to mitigate these impacts.
External Links
Water, Wetlands and Wildlife Page (FHWA Environmental Review Toolkit)
Stormwater Discharges from Transportation Sources (EPA)
State DOT Information – stormwater website where state DOTs post their NPDES permit, program-related information, and specific actions they are taking to reduce stormwater pollution
Section 404 of the Clean Water Act: Permitting Discharges of Dredge or Fill Material (EPA)
Green infrastructure case studies web page