Implementing Measures to Reduce Highway Impacts on Habitat Fragmentation (NCHRP 25-25, Task 68)
Wildlife and Ecosystems
In the planning process, transportation agencies make efforts to evaluate project impacts endangered and threatened animal and plant species and to consider resource conservation plans and inventories. Learn from past experience in this section.
Home » Focus Areas » Wildlife and Ecosystems
DOTs Partner to Conserve Monarch Butterfly Habitat in Rights-of-Way
Transportation agencies across the nation are working to create and maintain more habitat for the monarch butterfly, as part of a pioneering nationwide effort by rights-of-way owners to help save the species from extinction. This case study dives into everything DOTs are doing.

Recent News
Wildlife, Ecosytems & Transportation Overview
Throughout the transportation industry, many practitioners are working to mitigate the impacts of projects and systems on wildlife and their ecosystems.
We dive deep into the sensitivities around Wildlife & Ecosystems and how practitioners can incorporate addressing these areas in their plans.
External Links
FHWA Implementing Eco-Logical Website
FHWA Wildlife and Habitat Web Page (Environmental Review Toolkit)
ESA Webtool (FHWA): an online tool to streamline preparation of Biological Assessments (BAs) and the consultation process under Section 7 of the Federal Endangered Species Act for projects where the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is the lead federal action agency.
Keeping It Simple: Easy Ways to Help Wildlife Along Roads
FHWA Critter Crossings website
FHWA PlanWorks Decision Support Tool: a web resource that supports collaborative decision-making in transportation planning and project development, built around key decision points in long-range planning, programming, corridor planning, and environmental review.
Deer-Vehicle Crash Information Clearinghouse website managed by the Iowa State University Institute for Transportation