Preparing the administrative record for a complex project can be a major challenge. This handbook provides a starting point for undertaking this important task. It includes key issues for project managers to consider during NEPA and when litigation is imminent or under way.

Practical tips for project managers include what documents to prepare; the process for compiling the record for the court; advice for building a strong record; judgment calls about what documents to include; and submitting the record to the court.

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Handbook Resources

FHWA, Order M 1324.1B, “FHWA Record Management” (July 29, 2013)

J. Goldfrank, “Guidance to Client Agencies on Compiling the Administrative Record,” U.S. Attorneys’ Bulletin, Vol. 48, No. 1 (Feb. 2000)

U.S. Department of Justice, “Guide to the Freedom of Information Act, Exemption 5” (2014)