Post War Commercial Properties

Focus Area

Historic Preservation/Cultural Resources


Community & Cultural Concerns






2-3 years

Research Idea Scope

Post war commercial structures and areas, in particular, shopping centers, banks, gas stations,, restaurants and car dealerships were typically placed along major thoroughfares. Though some have experienced updating renovations, many retain characteristics that clearly identify them as a product of the rapid commercial expansion that occurred in the 1950s-1970s. As these properties are typically adjacent and frequently impacted by highway projects such as roundabout installation and highway widening projects, creating an historic context and model to identify and evaluate these properties for National Register of Historic Places eligibility would be extremely helpful in compliance with Section 106 and streamlining the identification and evaluation process.

Urgency and Payoff

As the pace of transportation facility upgrades in the form of widening, installation of roundabouts and new highways and bridge replacements increase, the impact to post war commercial properties will result. A guide on the identification and evaluation of would be extremely helpful in providing the necessary context and information to more quickly conduct Section 106 review and consultation.

Suggested By

Carey Coxe Louisiana Deptarment of Transportation and Development 225-242-4520

[email protected]

