Cultural Resources

Transportation agencies consider impacts to cultural resources in transportation programs and provide policies and case studies for others.


Practitioner’s Handbooks

To support protecting cultural resources in transportation we have two handbooks that can be helpful to learning more about different laws and regulations.

Protecting Cultural Resources & Transportation

When planning transportation projects, it is always important to consider cultural resources and materials.

We dive deep into how preservation can be addressed throughout the process.

Community of Practice

The Historic Bridges Community of Practice helps identify emerging issues, trends, procedures, research, and data needs associated with the identification, evaluation, and management of our nation’s historic bridges.

External Links

NCHRP 25-25 Task 90: Application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to Streamline the Identification of Historic Properties of Federally Funded Transportation Projects: Final ReportPower Point

NCHRP 25-25, Task 88: Giving Away the Bridge: A National Synthesis of on Transferring Ownership of Historic Bridges: Final ReportPower Point

NCHRP 25-25, Task 88: Coordination of Section 106 and Long Range Transportation Planning: Final ReportPower Point

Best Practices and Lessons Learned on the Preservation and Rehabilitation of Historic Bridges, NCHRP Project 25-25, Task 66 (July 2012)

Guidelines for Historic Bridge Rehabilitation and Replacement, NCHRP Project 25-25, Task 19 (March 2007)

A Guide to Incorporating Geophysical Remote Sensing in Transportation Archeological Investigations, NCHRP Project 25-25, Task 21 (September 2006)

Improved Methods for Assessing Social, Cultural, and Economic Effects of Transportation Projects, NCHRP Project 08-36, Task 66 (April 2008)

NCHRP Report 723: A Model for Identifying and Evaluating the Historic Significance of Post-World War II Housing, NCHRP Project 08-77 (September 2012)

Managing Archeological Investigations, A Synthesis of Highway Practices, NCHRP Synthesis Report 347