This webinar presents a major report that was issued by the Pew Center on Climate Change and commissioned by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program. The report identifies reasonable actions across three fronts – technology, policy, and consumer behavior – that could deliver up to a 65 percent reduction in transportation emissions from current levels by 2050. Authored by David L. Greene, of the Howard H. Baker, Jr. Center for Public Policy and Steven E. Plotkin, of Argonne National Laboratory, the study provides three plausible scenarios of improved transportation efficiency and reduced GHG emissions through 2050, with technology progress and policy ambition increasing from the first to third scenario. This webinar has been approved for 1.5 AICP CM credits.

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Presented by:

David L. Greene, Howard H. Baker, Jr. Center for Public Policy Steven E. Plotkin, Argonne National Laboratory
Paula Hammond, Washington State DOT

Webinar was held February 23, 2011 under sponsorship of AASHTO, the Center for Environmental Excellence, and FHWA.