
The Stormwater Management CoP is a forum where State Department of Transportation (DOT) practitioners can engage in facilitated discussions on emerging issues, research data needs, and innovative stormwater quality compliance solutions. Practitioners share experiences and learn from each other, helping to further the state of the knowledge of the community. In addition, the effort helps to extend the COP members’ networks and professional contacts. The work of the COP is a continuation of efforts that were initiated in June, 2008 at the first AASHTO National Stormwater Conference in San Diego, California.

The Stormwater Management CoP consists of representatives from sixteen state DOTs, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the Federal Transportation Administration (FTA) and AASHTO.

In June 2009, a state-of-the practice report was prepared by the COP facilitator in cooperation with COP participants. Additional state-of-the-practice reports were prepared in March 2010 on total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) and on EPA’s effluent limitation guidelines for construction and development projects. The January 2011 COP report focuses on EPA’s post-construction stormwater control rule-making.


Practitioner Field Guides & Handbooks

State of the Practice Reports

Webinars & Presentations