Research Idea Details

Assess ARRA impact on Transportation NEPA and Project Development Processes and Procedures

Research Idea Scope

Idea 1.  ARRA projects are being delivered in substantially lesser time frames than traditionally funded projects. How and what was done to make this happen?  Capturing these activities will assist in Improving the timeliness of project delivery and decision-making. Idea 2.  ARRA transportation decisions are substantially accelerated.  How has this impacted NEPA procedures and resources? Capturing this information will define what activities can be streamlined without substantially impacting NEPA procedures and/or resources.

Urgency and Payoff

Idea 1.  If the outcome was acceptable for ARRA projects, can it be done on traditionally funded projects?  Accelerating project development and transportation decision-making will reduce costs and get the needed service completed earlier and potentially save lives. Idea 2.  Identifying NEPA friendly innovative project delivery solutions will improve liaison relationships with resource agencies and provide more efficient and effective approaches for coordination of multiple environmental reviews, analyses, and permitting actions.

Suggested By:
Robert T. Rodriguez, FHWA-OK