Research Idea Details

Guidance and Training on the Indirect and Long-Term Impacts of Highway Development on Cultural, Historic and Archaeological Resources

Research Idea Scope

Development resulting from transportation investment has significant impacts on cultural and historic resources. In addition, indirect and cumulative effects on cultural resources are not well defined or understood and are not consistently considered in the assessment of project effects. Many state historic preservation offices maintain files, reports, and site survey forms from investigations that have been conducted, but few have had the capacity to aggressively model and disseminate this data in cooperation with the State DOT. Early identification of potential public controversy or possible fatal flaws related to cultural resources would improve transportation decision-making. Research should develop tools, guidance, and training to improve understanding of indirect and long-term impacts of highway development on cultural, historic, and archaeological resources.

Urgency and Payoff

Suggested By:
FHWA Strategic Plan for Environmental Research 1998-2003