Research Idea Details

Managing Private and Public Roles in NEPA Compliance for Projects Utilizing Alternative Funding Strategies

Research Idea Scope

States are increasingly facing the spectre of funding transportation projects with little or no federal transportation capital. NEPA compliance is required when federal funds are utilized, or when a permit, authorization, etc., is required from a federal agency. If states increase their financial participation, or utilize innovative funding strategies such as public-private partnerships, what role will the traditional, federal transportation agencies have with regard to NEPA?

Urgency and Payoff

Given the clear trend in federal transportation funding, states will begin to face this issue on a regular basis. Identifying a strategy before this scenario becomes commonplace will assist states in the planning and preliminary engineering phases. Ideally it would also reduce delay.

Suggested By:
David Willis, PA Turnpike Commission, Telephone: (717) 939-9551