Research Idea Details

Template for State DOT Guidance for Project-Level Air Quality Analyses

Research Idea Scope

The recently completed NCHRP study (20-05 Topic 51-18 Practices for Project-Level Analyses for Air Quality) included a recommendation for the development of a template guidance document for the preparation of project-level air quality analyses to meet federal and state regulatory requirements for NEPA and conformity. This proposed study would review existing state DOT guidance documents and develop a standard template that would embody best practices from across the nation. State DOTs could then at their discretion customize the new template guidance for their respective jurisdictions. To streamline analyses to the extent feasible and appropriate, the template guidance would differentiate between best practices for smaller or more routine projects versus those for larger or more complex projects or ones that are of more public interest that would warrant more detailed or refined analyses. All pollutants subject to NEPA and conformity would be addressed, including particulate matter (PM), carbon monoxide (CO), mobile source air toxics (MSATs), and greenhouse gases (GHGs).

Urgency and Payoff

State DOTs that do not already have guidance documents may benefit substantially from implementing the template guidance to streamline analyses and improve quality control for all projects, and be better enabled to conduct refined analyses for more complex projects.

Suggested By:
Christopher Voigt Virginia DOT 804-371-6764