Research Idea Details

Why Implement Smart Transportation in our Communities

Research Idea Scope

Research would involve review of previous applications of context sensitive solutions and where these ideas have succeeded versus failed. Beyond CSS, we have right-sizing principles which have not always been the “right” thing to do. Case studies would again need to be reviewed. Today, several State DOT’s are looking to the future to promote the concept of buildable, liveable communities, and Smart Transportation. An overall comparison matrix would be the result of these different (but almost the same) principles to determine which is the best, and one which one we should follow for the best possible transportation solution.

Urgency and Payoff

Today’s transportation community needs to be more aware of the benefits of linking land use and transportation planning to build liveable, sustainable communities. Before another “buzz word” is created, we need to research why we have gone from CSS to CSD to right sizing, and have now arrived at Smart Transportation. What are the benefits of implementing the principles of Smart Transportation, and how will it save the future of our transportation planning industry time and money. Will Smart Transportation be the end result?

Suggested By:
Jill Kathleen Thompson, Orth-Rodgers & Associates, Inc., Telephone: 717-691-7700 ext. 29