Handbook 18: Addressing Air Quality Issues in the NEPA Process for Highway Projects
The purpose of the handbook webinar is to assist practitioners in addressing air quality issues, including transportation conformity requirements.
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The purpose of the handbook webinar is to assist practitioners in addressing air quality issues, including transportation conformity requirements.
The purpose of the handbook webinar on Complying with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act for Transportation Projects is to provide overview of Section 7 consultation under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and provide advice on carrying out Section 7 consultation for transportation projects.
The purpose of the handbook webinar is to introduce transportation practitioners to a method of integrating ecological interests into transportation planning to address natural resource conservation and restoration priorities at a regional scale.
The purpose of the handbook webinar on Preparing High-Quality NEPA Documents for Transportation Projects is to help practitioners bridge the gap between the theory and practice of producing high-quality NEPA documents.
This handbook is intended to assist practitioners in assessing indirect effects and cumulative impacts in the evaluation of transportation projects under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
This handbook webinar is intended to help practitioners take advantage of the flexibility afforded by the recent changes to Section 4(f) while ensuring that all requirements are met.
The purpose of this handbook webinar is to assist transportation agencies in developing and/or implementing a storm water management program that satisfies the requirements of the Clean Water Act (CWA).
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