Validating Driving Cycles and Emission Factors for Higher Road Grades
While the MOVES emission model used in project-level air quality analyses can be used to estimate emissions for any road grade, it has not been validated for non-zero road grades
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While the MOVES emission model used in project-level air quality analyses can be used to estimate emissions for any road grade, it has not been validated for non-zero road grades
NCHRP 25-55 made ground-breaking recommendations for the design and implementation of an enhanced model evaluation process (EMEP) for air quality analyses for transportation, including in particular that model evaluations be
Background concentrations (BCs) for project-level “hot-spot” analyses for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) included in NEPA documentation are typically high relative to the national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) set by
Can standard guardrail be used to (safely) support small wildlife exclusion fencing? Basically we have locations where we have commercially available wildlife fencing right behind guardrail (see image below). This
Objective: Develop methods to characterize and mitigate harmful effects of non-exhaust (tire wear, brake wear, re-entrained road dust) motor vehicle pollutant emissions to water quality, air pollution, and environmental and
An increasing number of DOTs and MPOs are considering greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as part of the planning process, particularly in response to new federal programs addressing on-road GHG emissions.
TNM significantly underestimates, and overlooks, the noise attenuation of 6’-8’ tall solid safety barriers (SSBs) because TNM distributes a large amount of noise energy tall in the vehicle profiles at
EPA suggested in response to a comment in the last MOVES Model Review Workgroup that grade-specific drive cycle data (second-by-second speeds) be used instead of model default data (which generally
Much has been made about the time it takes for NEPA (mostly specific to EISs) processes to be completed with politicians and consumptive industries strongly suggesting NEPA is inefficient, archaic
NEPA is an ever evolving policy since it advocates process and evolving applied knowledge over outcomes. More and more, practitioners are experiencing the infusion of AI into the process and
Many infrastructure industry providers have migrated towards alternative delivery (in lieu of traditional design bid build approaches) to more quickly and efficiently deliver infrastructure for the public good. As a
NEPA language, and direction, when first created directed project sponsors and federal lead agencies to “summarize” the need for the project. Today, 50+ years later, the focus on need for
The draft findings of NCHRP Project: 20-05/Topic 54-01 Practices to Identify and Mitigate PFAS Impacts on Highway Construction Projects and Maintenance Operations included recommendations to 1) develop a comprehensive guidance
With the goal of having a more consistent national approach for tribal monitoring, issues to address include: • Timing/scheduling • Compensation for travel • Amount of requests of tribes •
Transportation projects frequently require mitigation for impacts to natural resources, such as wetland, stormwater, pollinator and reforestation sites per regulatory requirements. Transportation corridors are often located in highly developed areas
This research effort will provide a compendium of DOTs Alternative Project Delivery processes as they relate to noise abatement. Several approaches will be undertaken to compile the compendium: • A
Computer Vision is a subfield of Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) that uses image recognition to identify wildlife species. The technology has multiple applications for transportation projects including protected species
Assess the use of eDNA for detecting the presence/absence of protected species on transportation projects. If the application shows potential for accurate results that would be acceptable to natural resource
The idea of meaningful public engagement has evolved of the years and environmental professionals are continual challenged to do more thorough engagement during all phases of the project delivery process.
Operational improvements such as auxiliary lanes and intelligent transportation system treatments are designed to reduce congestion. Even these minor congestion improvement strategies and investments intended to optimize existing roadway system
This proposal seeks identification of effective tools to meet consultation requirements of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act on compressed timeframes specified under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL).
Comparisons of alternative build and no-build scenarios in project-level air quality analyses for NEPA and conformity typically focus on comparisons of emissions and/or ambient concentrations of pollutants, namely greenhouse gases
Tribal consultation is an integral part of the environmental review process under NEPA. Successful consultation begins with an effective communication strategy. However, the nature of working with diverse tribal nations
There is significant traffic congestion on freeways during peak hours in metropolitan areas across the country that lead to increased emissions and other impacts. Both recurring bottlenecks and nonrecurring events
Transportation agencies conduct a significant portion of archaeological investigations in the US and in many developed countries around the world. Once a transportation project is built, however, there remains the
During project development and construction, DOT agencies must assess the liability of real property acquisitions of contaminated property as well as contaminated waste management generated by disturbing these areas during
The Section 4(f) Net Benefit Programmatic Evaluation was created in 2005. It provides a streamlined opportunity for Section 4(f) compliance when compared to completing an Individual Section 4(f) Evaluation. The
Background Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of manmade fluorinated chemicals that have been manufactured and used in a variety of industries since the 1940’s. They are persistent
Commitments resulting from the environmental clearance document are intended to avoid, minimize, or mitigate impacts to environmental resources. These commitments vary in scope and may be derived from federal environmental
Field test and model 12-15 low berms along different roadways and document the results. Compare the measured to the modeled results. Compare the results to typical structural noise barrier results.
.1 To minimize the capital costs of an open caste mine by direct method of project appraisal techniques against the target levels of production (MT/annum) and Manpower (000’s). For e.g.,
Emission factors versus speed curves generated using the MOVES3 model exhibit very anomalous behavior at higher road grades that are within the range encountered in project-level air quality analyses for
The recently completed NCHRP study (20-05 Topic 51-18 Practices for Project-Level Analyses for Air Quality) included a recommendation for the development of a template guidance document for the preparation of
Synthesis on standard and nonstandard mitigation in Section 106 agreements. Survey of cultural resource mitigation in Programmatic Agreements and Memorandums of Understanding. What works/what doesn’t work and why. (Developed in
The ability to easily access and share digital archeological data during the Section 106 review process has become an issue of increasing concern for State Departments of Transportations (State DOTs)
A nationwide survey of how transportation agencies from all levels are successfully communicating with both internal and external project partners throughout the Section 106 process. The survey would focus on
Working to complete will update
TERI Administrator Note (May 2013): Completed July 2012 as NCHRP 10-76 Methodologies for Evaluating Pavement Strategies and Barriers for Noise Mitigation Although efforts to reduce transportation-related noise are costly , the
TERI Database Administrator Notes: Not recommended at present time by 2009 Air Quality Subcommittee. PART5 calculates exhaust emission factors for primary emitted particulates, brake and tire wear emissions, and re-entrained
State and local transportation and air quality agencies have limited knowledge of the full range of options to reduce PM2.5 from transportation sources. PM10 nonattainment areas around the country have
TERI Administrator Note (January 2009): Project funded as NCHRP 25-25-59 in 2009 The effect of control strategies on both PM and ozone is important because many areas of the country
Background In February 2010 the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) released draft guidance for NEPA Mitigation and Monitoring. The memorandum proposes: “To provide guidance for departments and agencies of the
TERI Administrator Note (June 2007): Funded as NCHRP Project 25-25, Task 42 TERI Administrator Note (January 2009): Task reported completed Nov. 2008. The US EPA emission factor document called
Background: Federal guidance[1] requires detailed emission modeling for mobile source air toxic emissions (MSATs) for transportation projects that meet certain traffic and other criteria. As the development of the requisite
TERI Database Administrator Notes: Funded as NCHRP Project 25-25, Task 44 “Development and Implementation of a Transportation and Climate Change Clearinghouse” Background: Greenhouse gas emissions and the related subject of
TERI Database Administrator Notes: Funded as NCHRP Project 25-25, Task 45 ( “Transportation Program Responses to Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Initiatives and Energy Reduction Programs” Background: The prospect of
TERI Database Administrator Notes: Funded under NCHRP 25-25 (51) Problem Statement State departments of transportation have constructed many environmental mitigation projects in conjunction with transportation projects that have been
Issue: Tests have shown that aquatic organisms have different tolerance thresholds to snow and ice control materials that are applied to roads, highways, and bridges. A major factor in terms of selecting
Issue Environmental agencies in the Pacific Northwest are concerned about dissolved copper in stormwater. Extremely low concentrations of dissolved copper (1 to 5 parts per billion) have been shown to
TERI Administrator Note (Feb 2009) – Related Research – Linking Environmental Resource and Transportation Planning–The Current State of Practice (NCHRP 25-25: Task 32) FHWA’s Vital Few Environmental Goal, in part,
Problem Statement: Many facilities required in transportation operations and maintenance have evolved to the present by expansion, modification, and adaptation of design and materials common to several years ago. At
The Migratory Bird Treaty Act prohibits work on bridges and CBCs when active swallow nests are present. Controls to prevent nesting swallows on bridges and concrete box culverts not only
TERI Database Administrator Notes: Not recommended at present time by 2009 Environmental Process Subcommittee. The environmental process is complex. Practitioners lack easy access to guidance information needed to conduct transportation
Treat sections of those roadways with a limited set of commercially viable dust pallatives and/or surfacing materials.
Alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) are an important component of a sustainable approach to clean, healthy air and efficient use of energy. Increased use of AFVs has the potential to lower emissions and reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil.
TERI Database Administrator Notes: Related research – AASHTO Practitioner’s Handbook 09: Using the SAFETEA-LU Environmental Review Process (23 U.S.C. Section 139) (2008). SAFETEA-LU places an expanded emphasis on public and
TERI Adminstrator Note (January 2009): Project has been funded as NCHRP 25-25: Task 61 for 2009. Many state transportation agencies have successfully integrated GIS into their cultural resource work, using
At least one seed mixture would be created for each vegetative zone. In addition, best practices for establishment and maintenance of these seed mixtures would be established.
TERI Administrator Note (Feb 2009) – Research completed: Parking Management: Strategies for More Efficient Use of Parking Resource, Litman, Todd; (2008) Current transportation and land use planning practices result in
TERI Database Administrator Notes: Note recommended at present time by 2009 Environmental Process Subcommittee. Transportation projects may have great potentials of consuming a considerable portion of scrap tires if economic
TERI Administrator Note (Added December 2008) – Project sponsored by Ohio DOT is underway (see details below) Develop a turn-key, wireless, low cost sensor system for autonomous monitoring, measuring, and
I. Research Problem Statement Due to automobile braking, roadside sediments in heavily trafficked regions have high levels of copper and zinc compared to sediment quality. Recent use of bio-retention filters
TERI Administrator Note (January 2009): Funded under NCHRP 25-25 (53). Background: The New Hampshire Department of Transportation has recently been issued a number of Water Quality Certifications by the NH
TERI Administrator Note (January 2009): Funded as NCHRP Project 25-25 (52). Background: Under the Clean Water Act, the Corps is delegated the authority to permit the discharge of dredged or
Background: The U. S. Congress enacted the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) in 1918 to implement several international treaties. The treaties were entered into because of concerns about the decline
TERI Administrator Note (Feb 2009) Related Research: Diesel Retrofit Technology – An Analysis of the Cost-Effectiveness of Reducing Particulate Matter and Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Heavy-Duty Nonroad Diesel Engines Through
TERI Database Administrator Notes: Not recommended at present time by 2009 Air Quality Subcommittee. Background: Millions of dollars are spent annually on air quality (mobile source-related) public education programs Objectives
TERI Administrator Note (Feb 2009): Related Research: Impacts of Magnesium Chloride-Based Deicers on Roadside Vegetation; Transportation Research E-Circular Number E-C126 June 2008 – Surface Transportation Weather and Snow Removal and
I. Research Problem Statement For years non-selective, residual herbicides were used to keep the roadsides at the edge of the pavement free of vegetation. These areas, sometime referred to as
I. Research Problem Statement – Concerns about pavement noise continue to be expressed in many urban areas in the United States. Comprehensive studies have been completed in Europe resulting in
To look at how alternative energy sources such as solar or fuel cell can link with transportation movement systems in providing symbiotic alternative power for our building and movement needs.
Review FHWA’s current activities in both programs, and identify opportunities to harmonize efforts.
TERI Database Administrator Notes: – Related research: Using LiDAR to detect cultural resources in a forested environment: an example from Isle Royale National Park, Michigan, USA; Julie M. Gallagher 1,
Background: In July 2003, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Bureau of Environment prepared a synthesis report on Construction Vibration and Historic Buildings. The URL for accessing this report
Storm water, or constructed, wetlands represent one of several best managements practices commonly used to treat runoff water. They may have a strong impact on the quality of receiving waters,
Integrate low impact development and other transportation related BMPs into the Interantional Stormwater BMP Database ( The major subcategories of this task are itemized below. a. Working with a panel
Selected for NCHRP 25-25 funding as Task 75. May 2013 Update: Completed August 2012. Background To satisfy regulatory requirements of no net loss of wetlands, state transportation agencies develop mitigation
Using a modification of the methods used by J.C. Rochaa et al. J. Braz. Chem. Soc. Water Samples from 5-10 NW Salmon Streams will be taken and the fulvic acid
TERI Database Administrator Notes: Funded as NCHRP Project 25-25 (46) “Compendium of Best Practices for Environmental Compliance and Stewardship at Transportation Maintenance Facilities” Background: All transportation agencies are involved with
Research Objective: Develop a compendium of the best and innovative methods and tools for transportation planning and project development analyses. Task 1: Develop criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the
TERI Database Administrator Notes:: Funded under NCHRP 25-25 (47) “Compendium of Best Practices for Incorporating Environmental Commitments into Transportation Project Construction Contract Documents” Background: During the planning and design phases
Copper toxicity to salmonids is currently referenced to a series of Laboratory tests that were conducted using well water and copper that was deliberately kept ionic, uncomplexed. Toxicity in these
Install Compost berms, Compost Wattles in several traffic corridors and test their filtering capacities. At the end of six month intervals, analyze the compost filters/berms for concentrations of heavy metals.
TERI Administrator Update (Jan 2009) – Research Underway – The Effectiveness of Vertebrate Passage and Prevention Structures: a Study of Boeckman Road in Wilsonville (completion date: Sept. 2009) Wildlife collisions
The environmental performance of public transportation services plays a key role in improving air quality in urban areas. Replacing vehicles’ current engines with innovative propulsive systems may be an effective
TERI Database Administrator Notes: Not recommended at present time by 2009 Air Quality Subcommittee. The current focus of GHG reductions from the transportation has relied on increased fuel efficiency of
Description of the Need –The United States is currently seeing unprecedented levels of interest in alternative fuels, including ethanol (corn and cellulose), biodiesel, methanol, butanol, hydrogen, coal to liquid fuels,
TERI Administrator Note – Selected as NCHRP 25-39 (FY12 Program) RESEARCH PROBLEM STATEMENT Transportation performance management is a well established and effective practice for establishing accountability and driving results
TERI Administrator Note (February 2009): The concept for this research information need was first developed as a suggested demonstration project in TRB Special Report 283, Cooperative Research for Hazardous Materials
Transit system capital efficiency is often criticized due to low ridership and high capital costs, combining to limit competitive economic application of this transportation mode. The relatively low volume of
Background Truck freight operations are a major source of air pollutants, including criteria pollutants, toxic air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions. Although the 2008-2010 recession has led to recent reductions
Petroleum Bulk Storage (PBS) is a necessary component of every State DOT’s operations. DOTs maintain large fleets of vehicles and equipment that must be fueled and maintained. However, the regulatory
PennDOT has developed material specifications on Recycled Concrete Aggregates (RCA) in an effort to expand the use of recycled materials in highway and maintenance applications. The specifications were developed from
The Illinois Department of Transportation is currently working with the University of Illinois to study the feasibility of off-setting or displacing electrical power grid demands through the use of wind
There is presently no contemporary instructional media available to state DOT’s on herbicide application.
Background Throughout the US, state DOTs are striving to develop more comprehensive transportation programs that provide infrastructure and services with less impact on the surrounding environment. Great efforts have been
Problem Statement – Transportation decision makers and stakeholders have touted the economic development benefit of improvements to our transportation infrastructure. It is important to understand transportation environmental justice and equity,
Research problem statement – Not every species or ecosystem process is impacted by existing or planned highways. In each region of the country, different species are impacted by highways. Several
Background The concurrent introduction in the past year of models (MOVES2010 and AERMOD) and guidance new to project-level “hot-spot” analyses poses significant challenges for state DOTs and other agencies with
TERI Administrator Note – Selected as FY12 NCHRP Project 25-38 RESEARCH PROBLEM STATEMENT In the March 2, 2010 Federal Register (FR), EPA approved and announced the availability of the Motor
The proposed research would be conducted in several steps: 1. Identify external costs of highway transportation that are sensitive to changes in the level of vehicle-miles traveled and select the
Phase I: Information Collection and Needs Analysis – Based on the literature review and assessment of other information collection activities, the Phase I report will summarize what is known about
This research should address the numerous technology and market opportunities and barriers for the use of specialized vehicle markets as introductory markets and “launching pads” for alternative fuel and advanced
The purpose of this research is to follow up on the NRC committee work on CAFE and provide analyses of different alternatives to CAFE. An evaluation of different alternative CAFE
The Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (DFW) is engaged in an innovative, collaborative effort with the Massachusetts Highway Department (MassHighway) to understand and lessen the effects of existing and
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) owns thousands of bridges throughout California, many of which provide habitat for bats. Bats seek out bridges for thermal regulation during reproduction, food digestion,
Problem: Public agencies often utilize deicing chemicals to help achieve safe winter driving conditions. Beyond solid chemicals, these include liquids applied directly to the road or used to pre-wet solid
To test, and disseminate to the highway community in the arid West, a method of erosion control used in mine reclamation. Rill & gully erosion is a pervasive problem on
Establish a Travelers Information Stations (TIS) at up to nine existing Highway Advisory Radios (HAR) along US101 in Oregon (Figure 1). A typical TIS utilizes ODOT’s HAR to provide the
Historic Right-of-Way (ROW) maps provide invaluable information on buildings, structures, and other features that were within or along ODOT ROW. Today, some of these features may have been destroyed for
TERI Database Administrator Notes: Not recommended at present time by 2009 Subcommittee on Cultural Resources. The scope of this research would be to develop methodology for the calculation of the
TERI Database Administrator Notes. Not recommended at present time by 2009 Natural Systems Subcommittee. Transportation corridors are a potential vector for the spread of invasive plant species throughout New Hampshire.
TERI Database Administrator Notes: Not recommended at present time by 2009 Environmental Process Subcommittee. Vehicles striking rumble strips can elevate wayside noise levels and generate noise complaints in noise sensitive
Idea 1. ARRA projects are being delivered in substantially lesser time frames than traditionally funded projects. How and what was done to make this happen? Capturing these activities will assist
Problem Statement – Land adjacent to airports, highways, and rail transit lines needs to be developed so that noise sensitive uses are prohibited and community development is planned, designed, and
Problem Statement – Studies by several research groups have shown that the atmospheric refraction and scattering effects that occur on the sound wave propagating from a highway traffic source is
Its proponents promise that pricing can deliver smarter use of existing capacity that reduce congestion and avoid costly expansion needs while expanding the menu of options for raising money
Background In the United States, the majority of the highway system is already built. The ways in which transportation agencies maintain the current system have a major impact on environmental
Traffic flow has many adverse effects on its surroundings. Efforts to improve traffic operations traditionally focus on some of these factors, such as trip time and stop delay, and try
As mentioned in the 2009 call for research ideas, the transportation sector is currently responsible for approximately one-quarter of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States and is expected to
Recalculate contours for 10, 25, 50, 100 year storms for 24 hour rainfall amounts across the US based on down scaled global climate model output data. Engineers and infrastructure planners
Design, development and testing of an adaptive highway lighting system in response to maximum real time roadway safety condition and minimum energy consumption of the street ligting system. The project
Local and state agencies are required to study traffic impacts of all new highway projects. Historically traffic models have done a poor job of integrating transit information into the analysis
Creating analysis tools for measuring the performance of park and ride lots and assessing how they impact the rest of the transportation system is needed and requires a national perspective.
Identify relevant sites. Measure traffic loads and aging characteristics. Document maintenance activities.
Porous pavements can provide the same level of service with much less salt/de-icing. Project will identify study sites and nearby control sites, then study the sites over 2 winter seasons.
Research Objective: To develop a set of best practices for transportation practitioners to assess genetic connectivity § Do a synthesis of the literature on conservation genetics, contact conservation geneticists, and
Porous pavements have been identified as a potential strategy for minimizing the use of deicing chemicals for winter maintenance. The use of porous pavements for parking lots is on the
Background On December 1, 2009, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released their final rule on the effluent limitation guidelines for stormwater discharges from construction sites. Effluent guidelines
Research should include an analysis of current sodium chloride concentrations existing in reservoirs which support a water supply for the general public. Impact of runoff to these reservoirs and the
Freight transportation is a major contributor of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants in the U.S. Much of these emissions are due to truck operations, which have relatively higher emissions
The impact of climate change on highway drainage design and associated stormwater management systems and could be one of the important and critical challenges faced by future drainage engineers and
In NJ, the NJDOT Office of Maritime Resources is funding, modeling and investigating opportunities where we can use low-flow/riverine tidal turbine technology to power not only marine transportation facilities, but
This research idea was developed as part of NCHRP Project 24-27(03) “Evaluation of Bridge-Scour Research: Geomorphic Processes and Predictions,” and addresses three Focus Areas (Environmental Considerations in Planning, Project Delivery/Streamlining,
The State Botanical Garden of Georgia will cooperate with the Georgia Department of Transportation to evaluate and trial eight regionally significant native species that will be incorporated into wildflower seed
Stabilization of roadsides after construction is critical to protecting water quality, public safety and the longevity of the project. Unfortunately, current erosion control seed mixes include invasive exotic species. The
Problem Statement Residents on the opposite side of a highway from a reflective noise barrier often complain that construction of the barrier has increased noise levels in their area. The
Problem Statement Although current and historical efforts to reduce transportation-related noise have been costly to develop, implement, and enforce, the nature and magnitude of their specific costs have not been
RESEARCH PROBLEM STATEMENT The transportation industry is experiencing a paradigm shift toward livability and sustainability, as evidenced by federal-level policy, new grant programs and keen interest in research connecting
PROBLEM STATEMENT: It has been the experience of a number of state transportation departments, that there is a strong potential for residents on the opposite side of a highway from
The transportation industry is experiencing a paradigm shift to more livability centric goals, as evidenced by new policy directions at the federal level and the strong interest in livability-enhancing projects
Background There are several web sites, reports, studies, and guidance on the tribal consultation process associated with historic preservation compliance and transportation project delivery. The following is a sample
The extraordinary number of people and automobiles in metropolitan Los Angeles presents unique opportunities to assess anthropogenic contaminant loadings to the near-shore. Platinum group elements (PGEs: platinum, palladium, and rhodium)
SUMMARY Major cities contain critical multi-modal infrastructure for both the movement of people and goods including some of the oldest systems still operated in the U.S. Climate change impacts such as
Problem Statement Among the many types of on-road vehicles traveling the American highway system, heavy trucks are the loudest frequently-heard noise sources. Comments from residents near highways at project public
Problem Statement More than 100 automated people-movers (APMs) of various kinds and sizes now operate around the world. Urban planners, engineers, and architects often consider using APMs to link activity
Problem Statement The specific noise issue in the vicinity of at-grade rail crossings is locomotive warning horn and crossing bell sounds, which cause significant noise impacts. The acoustic signatures of
Problem Statement Vibration propagation through the ground is physically very similar to the propagation of noise through the air. Vibration and noise are similar in other respects as well; however,
Problem Statement Transit vehicular warning horns are relatively omni-directional and can be a source of annoyance in areas of the community adjacent to rail lines. For example, train horns sounded
TERI Administrator Note – Similar research topic funded as SHRP C09 – Incorporating Greenhouse Gas Emissions Into the Collaborative Decision-Making Process (Completed Feb 2011) RESEARCH PROBLEM STATEMENT State departments of
Planners and developers need a user-friendly approach or tool to measure supply and demand for transportation-efficient development. Consumers may prefer more transportation-efficient development than currently exists. Knowing that would be
Highway stormwater runoff is a source of copper to receiving streams. Trace levels of copper have been shown to have detrimental effects on threatened and endangered salmonid species. However, little is known
Plug-in and Hybrid Electric Vehicles (EVs) reduce oil imports. However, the current transportation infrastructure is not optimized for EVs. Without new technology and infrastructure, capital and operational barriers will harm the “Plug-In”
Generalizations have been made as to (re) using shingles in HMA and WMA pavements. The engineering opimization of RAS has only been touched upon as to setting limits of RAS replacement. Grade
Problem Statement: Climate change, energy security and air quality concerns are at the forefront of contemporary challenges in the transportation sector. High quality travel behavior data provides an important input
Background There are several completed and ongoing research efforts that have analyzed the potential of various strategies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the transportation sector. Some have
Background As the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) applies to federal actions in all 50 states, most state DOT’s have partnered with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to develop and
Transportation professionals, including planners and engineers, desire to avoid conflicts and reduce mitigation costs, thereby increasing the reliability and predictability of transportation design processes. Further, SAFETEA-LU requires involvement of participating agencies
Urban catchments in rainy climates commonly are exposed to flood threats. Urban flooding may cause material losses in the form of public and private property damage. Furthermore, street flooding may
TERI Administrator Note (May 2011): AASHTO/CEE Programmatic Library covers this research idea. Compile case studies of transportation projects for which Programmatic Agreements are used for compliance with Section 106 of
With the use of electronic media becoming prevalent in communication how effective are virtual NEPA public meetings. Some states have done research in public meeting options but at this point
We propose to test existing live cell and whole organisms using physiological techniques, in particular fluorescent tags combined with confocal microscopy to image changes in physiology, growth and development caused
The threats to human safety posed by high rates of large mammal road-kill are well reported in the literature, as well as the adverse effects of road-kill on mammal populations;
An overall assessment of fish passage conditions from headwaters to estuaries requires the analysis of the entire channel network connecting those habitats. Such an analysis should not be performed in
There are several types of models used in analyzing highway emission impacts to air quality for both regional analysis and project or hotspot analysis. These models include traffic operations, transportation
Scope: Research Objectives: The Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, and National Forest Management Act require that stream-road crossings are designed such that viable populations of native aquatic species are
This project proposes to screen, develop and apply Coral live cell imaging techniques to evaluate the effects of road runoff, increased water temperature, and storm water management practices on Coral
The way one drives has an impact on the instantaneous and total emissions produced for a given trip. Driving style has an impact on microscopic (second by second) vehicle activities
Scope: Background: Efforts to develop and deploy clean energy, and transportation technologies that use clean energy (e.g., electric power), are impacted by fluctuating fossil fuel prices. Incentives to deploy clean energy that
Scope: The State of North Carolina is seriously considering allowing natural gas exploration and development. Potential gas resources are of the kind that will be exploited using hydraulic fracturing drilling methods
Scope: To maintain the safe and efficient mobility of an aging population, this research proposal seeks to improve the understanding of urban and rural transportation needs that would inform and
Scope: With continual technological advances in tools like GIS, remote sensing, and computer software, the transportation industry has at its disposal increasingly more capable tools to perform transportation planning and
Scope: 1. Objective General observations indicate a significant disparity in bicycle usage between the City of Cambridge and the neighborhood of Mattapan/Dorchester section of Boston where bicycle lanes were recently installed. The
This research would take steps toward the ultimate goal of developing a nationally accepted manual on transportation demand management (TDM) effectiveness in line with the Highway Capacity Manual. This could
Bridges built in previous decades often incorporated expansion joints that provided optimal roosting habitat for bats. This is due to the combination of favorable gap size, open canopy in road
Section 106 Historic Property identifications in advance of federally funded transportation projects are typically very costly and time consuming. This process is less effective and efficient than it should be.
Scope: Many states are currently investigating the feasibility of hyraulic fracturing. IN addition to the untold environmental impacts, states are experiencing major road damage due to the size, weight and
With the advent of the Marine Protection Act, new construction methods are necessary to reduce the underwater noise impacts to mammals. This research would examine alternative construction practices to reduce noise.
The objective of this research is to develop a common framework for reporing the cultural resources that are suspected or confirmed during project development/construction.
The objective would be to identify new BMP that would adjust water quality of acid precipitation conveyed along dirt and gravel roads for use by transprotation practioners.
The objective of this research is to develop a PDA that obtains the matrices identified for structures, habitats and species so that field personnel will have a tool for assessing
Problem Statement: Large animal-vehicle collisions are a growing problem nationwide and results in fatalities, personal injuries, and property damage. While “road-kill” data is collected, the nation needs to quantify the extent
The objective of the proposed project would be to evaluate the required attributes of highways rest areas for renewable energy generation, storage and utilization.
This project will develop innovative anti-icing/deicing formulations for snow and ice control on highways, using beet sugar refining by-products and other additives for freezing-point suppression, performance enhancement, and corrosion inhibition.
Most countries collect various transportation-related data, such as roadway facility supply, vehicle ownership and use, transit service, traffic crashes, fuel consumption, and pollution emissions, but there is a lack of
Efficient and effective water-quality monitoring is key to understanding and setting water-quality objectives and meeting local, state, and federal stormwater regulations. Inaccurate representation of contaminants in urban runoff can lead
As a major source of non-point source pollution, highway runoff has adverse effects on the adjacent aquatic resources if no measures are taken to remove the excessive contaminants accumulated from
The proposed research provides an innovative multi-disciplinary approach to cost-effective management of storm water. DOTs needs effective tools to meet recently enacted federal (EPA) regulations for reducing the amount of
This project will develop, install and field test the effectiveness of new structural BMPs specifically designed to manage runoff near one or two highway bridge decks, e.g., filters and biofiltration
The proposed research will identify potential highway safety, environmental and operation and maintenance (O&M) impacts of emerging solar and wind energy production and storage installations along highway Right-of-Way (ROW), with
Background: Many Departments of Transportation (DOTs) are being required to retrofit existing highways to comply with Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) to improve the quality of runoff discharged from highways.
As evidenced by the recent January 2013 EPA Webinar entitled “Road Salt Pollution Prevention” in which over 1000 people participated, the concern for road salt, or rock salt, and water
Background: DOTs routinely complete BMP effectiveness studies as a part of their research to improve their stormwater program. Many of the effectiveness studies duplicate research in other parts of the
Background: Many NPDES Permits require DOTs to identify constituents of concern from highway and support facilities. Constituent of concern are known or emerging potential pollutants that are generated within the
Effective December 20, 2012, a new era in air quality analyses for transportation projects began as federal transportation conformity rule requirements and associated guidance issued by the US EPA for
According to the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Office of Asset Management, a Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) can “act as a focal point for information” about state DOT assets, their
Policies are needed to fund transportation infrastructure upgrades to avoid catastrophic costs and risks. However, while transportation experts see these costs and risks as significant, members of the general public
The research regarding the reduction of the adverse environmental impact through highway design is still in its infancy. Furthermore, highway design manuals/guidebooks do not provide any information on environmentally-friendly designs.
In the USA’s 374 metropolitan areas of 50,000 population and above, there is a significant variation in the rate of road-based passengership (being a passenger in a car, van, or
State DOTs have measurably increased their participation in the climate change, transportation asset, and environmental planning linkage. There is currently a national policy movement to address these linkages and how
We propose a novel, flexible, cost-effective, laptop-based, in-situ measurement system that will be capable of gathering all necessary data in a practical way while also enabling the testing of a
This project will preliminarily develop a Snow and Ice Control Asset Management System (SICAMS) for cold-climate DOTs, in order to promote sustainability in winter maintenance operations. While a phased approach
The proposed study would develop a practical guide for (or compendium of) mitigation measures for air quality for typical highway and transit projects that, ultimately, may serve as the basis
Successful research efforts require identifying all of the conditions and unknowns surrounding the area of interest and then defining them. This requires developing a plan for conducting research which identifies
Utilizing the results of NCHRP 25-25, Task 23 – Guidelines for Environmental Performance Measurements Final Report, investigate using positive performance measures to obtain reductions in criteria pollutants and greenhouse gas
Highway agencies place Winter Weight Premiums (WWP) and Spring Load Restrictions (SLR) during the winter and spring seasons when the performance of pavement structure changes due to winter freeze and
Snow avalanches can have catastrophic effects on highway travel by blocking roadways entirely as well as the potential for both property damage and loss-of-life consequences. There are also severe economic
This study will assess how advances in non-market economic valuation methods of ecoservices from natural systems can be incorporated into current approaches to EIS analysis and Benefit-Cost Analysis of proposed
Park-and-ride programs have been expanding for several years. For example, in Virginia they continue to gain popularity among commuters in both major metropolitan areas and even in rural areas.
Environmental noise pollution relates to ambient sound levels beyond comfort levels; as caused by traffic, construction, industrial, as well as some recreational activities. It could aggravate serious direct as well
TRB Special Report 235 was published in 1991 to evaluate the potential for widespread use of non-chloride deicers. The focus was on Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA) due to its recent
Reducing runoff volumes using infiltration of stormwater has drawn increasing interest in recent years, given its ability to reduce stormwater volume, increase groundwater recharge, reduce peak flows, and lessen the
A study of past road projects that had added capacity and an analysis of induced growth caused by these projects. Determining which projects that added capacity actually induced growth and
In NEPA analysis that goes on for numerous years for transportation projects, the traffic data is updated with analytical consequences periodically throughout the process. But how often do these expensive
The development of standard reference cases for modeling various project types and pollutants would benefit state DOTs that are transitioning to the new federal models and guidance for project-level air
DOTs and other agencies working on transportation-related air quality issues are under increasing financial and environmental constraints. Several of these agencies put forward research ideas and fund research projects in
Objective: Analyze environmental and energy benefits of increased efficiency in the Northeast Corridor as a result of improved freight operations. Background: A great deal of effort and attention is being
Research is necessary to investigate the effects of roads and passages on threatened Mojave desert tortoise genetics, demography, and population connectivity. It will also be helpful to conduct additional research
Templates for modeling of various typical transportation project types would be developed in this proposed study. The modeling would be conducted using the latest updates to US EPA models and
Background: State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) are being named as Designated Management Agencies in Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) management plans. This designation often brings with it the obligation for
Background: Many NPDES Permits require DOTs to monitor receiving waters to characterize runoff from DOT facilities, assess the effectiveness of BMPs, and for compliance with TMDLs. Monitoring programs require considerable
The Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis) is a federally listed endangered species and the Northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis) is a species proposed for Federal listing under the Endangered Species Act
Even in remote areas of California, roads are challenging for wildlife-they lead to car strikes, changes in microhabitat characteristics along road boundaries, and large-scale habitat fragmentation. We all suspect that
Background and Objectives Roads of different sizes, substrates, and traffic volumes have been shown to inhibit the movement of large mammals, small mammals, herpetofauna, and invertebrates (Brehme et al. 2013).
In 1998, the Peninsular bighorn sheep (PBS) was federally listed as endangered throughout its distribution in the Peninsular Ranges of California. As identified by the PBS Recovery Plan (USFWS 2000),
Migratory birds establish nests on bridge structures and within roadway r-o-w’s. Restricted activity periods due to nesting restrict construction, maintenance and rehabilitation of roads and bridges leading to increased costs.
Traditionally, state and local governments install the smallest structure necessary to pass a certain measurable flow as required by local, state and federal rules. Structures that are sized to bankfull-width
There has been a great deal of interest in building airport stations on rail public transportation (heavy and light rail as well as intercity passenger rail). This study would look
Regulatory-mandated air quality analysis, such as SIP analysis, transportation conformity determinations, and project level evaluations typically require the use of multiple models (model chain) to analyze a complex chain of land use
Transportation agencies worldwide are increasingly seeking ways to cost-effectively improve the sustainability of their various activities, particularly by reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. The PVNB is one technology that highway
Roads inhibit the movement of many terrestrial species, including mammals and reptiles, by increasing mortality or through avoidance by wildlife (Trombulak and Frissell 2000). In many cases, evidence for use
Develop a set of resources for comprehensive and multi-modal evaluation of transportation projects, similar to the following: DfT (2006), Transport Analysis Guidance, Integrated Transport Economics and Appraisal, Department for Transport
Federal and state objectives for streamlining project development may be supported in general by the development and implementation of programmatic agreements (PAs) and, where federal requirements for transportation conformity apply,
While there are a number of published studies that provide information to state and local agencies about the potential emission reduction benefits of control strategies that are designed to reduce
There are many air pollution emission components associated with motor vehicles, which historically have been subjected to stricter and stricter environmental controls, including running exhaust, crankcase running exhaust, cold start,
The purpose of this research is to evaluate modeling techniques and ambient measurements to comprehensively understand and explain vehicle emissions contributions to local air quality. The research will consist of
Runoff associated with highways and roads has been identified as a major source of fine sediment entering water bodies. Sediment removal methods include sediment traps, hydrodynamic and filtration devices, sediment
In 2007, the National Research Council (NRC) issued the landmark report “Models in Environmental Regulatory Decision Making” ( It assessed EPA’s use of computer models in developing regulations and recommended
Wherever there is the motion there is the possibility of producing kinetic energy. The heavier and more consistent the motion – the more energy is produced. This concept can be
The problems of food deserts, access to healthy foods, and food system sustainability are usually framed as land use, economic development, environmental, and/or food policy problems, not as transportation problems.
Transportation projects are often constructed and maintained in the presence of soil and ground water contaminated with petroleum, solvents, and other toxic and hazardous substances. Subsurface utilities and drainage structures
allow the UN to lead our website and developments, fighting terror, anti green associations and protecting markets.
This research will provide information on the sensitivity of ambient air quality to project-level traffic and other key inputs in the traffic, emission and dispersion modeling chain including meteorological inputs.
Road features have both positive and negative effects on their surroundings. While roads provide transportation for people and goods, there are a significant number of negative ecological impacts that can
Develop plant list and the associated pollinator (insects) and general timing of bloom of plant materials. general habitat of the insects and migration patterns.
Bat populations that hibernate in colonies in caves and mines are in steep decline across the U.S. due to white nose syndrome. Loss of summer roosting habitat can exacerbate the
Objective of research would be to provide verifiable data demonstrating effects of elevated structures in various ecosystems to help accurately identify impacts for permitting and NEPA studies. Impacts to freshwater
The transportation sector is often identified as a major source of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) to receiving waters. Stormwater runoff from highways and roadways carries many pollutants such as sediment,
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) have garnered a great deal of interest in the transportation community. This proposed research will examine the use of UAS for environmental risk assessment and environmental
Electric vehicle charging stations are becoming more commonplace in many states but vary as to type and format and usage-there is no consensus as to how they should be funded
Gather and summarize existing information on crossing structures and methods for monitoring use by small terrestrial mammals, reptiles and amphibians to develop a summary of available reports, plans and design
Every year more than 22 million tons of salt (primarily NaCl) and other de-icing agents are applied to U.S. roads to maintain safe driving conditions in inclement weather. These chemicals
Bridge maintenance along with traffic, weather, and other related activities are continuous sources of pollution for the water bodies under the bridge. In Virginia, where are more than 10,000 bridges,
RESEARCH PROBLEM STATEMENT Interstate highway improvement projects that are deemed to have traffic noise impacts result in near-road barrier walls being constructed or expanded. Although the barriers are designed and
Noise Barrier Maintenance Costs: the scope of the project consists of surveying state DOTs to determine the annual (or periodic) maintenance costs of noise barriers (by material type). The results
Background: New vehicle technologies, publically sponsored programs, and public-private partnerships designed for various reasons but applicable to reduce vehicle-generated emissions have been emerging for a decade or more. These include
Background: There are several types of models used in analyzing highway emission impacts to air quality for both regional analysis and project or hotspot analysis and for both for NEPA
State DOTs would benefit from guidance that goes beyond the norm on how to conduct modeling for project-level air quality analyses and addresses which modeling inputs are the most cost-effective
Develop a consistent methodology for analyzing noise impacts on different terrestrial species. Develop standard metrics and procedures for the DOTs to conduct noise analyses of our highway projects on wildlife,
Synthesis, case studies, and summary of approaches to conservation of pollinating insects, including both species listed under the Endangered Species Act and unlisted species. The synthesis would include information from
This study presents thermal snow melting methods utilizing electric heating cable, geothermal, tunnel water heat, and solar that can be applicable for various locations on modern road networks. Compared with
This project aims to model the environmental effect of a new form of car sharing system with free-floating vehicles. The free-floating vehicle system, unlike traditional car-sharing systems, is based on
The objective of this project is to develop guidance on how to apply microscopic traffic simulation models to project level emissions analysis, focusing specifically on vehicle trajectory information. This project
To comply with the transportation conformity requirements, state and local transportation agencies use various transportation strategies designed to reduce air pollutant emissions in nonattainment and maintenance areas by improving traffic
For project level analysis using MOVES model, detailed link level activity (volume, speed, source type mix, etc.) information are used to estimate link level emission rates or total emissions. Studies
Animal-vehicle conflicts (AVCs), and particularly the ever increasing deer-vehicle collisions, cause major transportation safety issues on U.S. roadways due to habitat fragmentation sustained by transportation developments. Therefore, the ability to
The optimal slope of approaches to highway overpasses for wildlife does not appear to be well documented. Understanding slope constraints could inform the design of overpass structures along the nation’s
Transportation agencies generate and then pay to dispose of large quantities of lightly contaminated materials such as street sweepings, gravel shoulder cuttings, and other roadway materials. These lightly contaminated materials
Invasive plant species can create nuisance maintenance issues and even dangerous conditions for the traveling public by affecting lines-of-sight, efficiency of roadside drainage, etc. The NCHRP Synthesis Report 341 on
This research would analyze the new California Truck Survey data to develop MOVES model inputs and compare inputs developed from this survey with other sources. It would also provide suggestions
Climate change in terms of severe weather events is impacting severely the road infrastructure throughout the world. To design, construct and operate all weather roads in cost effective manner is
State DOTs would benefit from guidance that goes beyond the norm on how to conduct modeling for project-level air quality analyses and addresses which modeling inputs are the most cost-effective
I would like to see a study review the current relevance of Section 4(f) in terms of preservation of historic properties. Has it outlived its purpose, and now acts more as
The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the use of smartphone sensors for automatically assessing the roughness of pavement and then efficiently managing the pavement network. By developing appropriate
Air quality project-level analyses (PLAs) that state Departments of Transportation (DOTs) are required to prepare for purposes of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the EPA transportation
The objective is to develop a reliable methodology for determining and relaying the secondary and cumulative effects related to the implementation of connected and automated vehicles in environmental documentation. Develop
New technologies have made it possible to collect and characterize large amounts of data through remote sensing and other techniques. Sensors, drones, and powerful data analytics have the potential to
A suggestion was made develop a Decision Support Guide for Installation of Wildlife-Vehicle Collision (WVC) Reduction Countermeasures as well as potentially adding wildlife-vehicle collision prevention measures to the FHWA Proven
Summary of current practices by DOTs to use emerging data collection methods to address ecological concerns for transportation projects. These methods include (1) environmental DNA (eDNA) collection and analysis methods
The objective of this research is development of a Practitioners Handbook for the Noise Analysis Process for Design Build Projects. The completed handbook will provide state highway agency staff and
The objective of this research is development of a Practitioners Handbook for Noise Wall Inspection Procedures During and Post Construction. The completed handbook will provide state highway agency staff and
Much of the nation’s transportation system needs updating or replacing and some of this infrastructure is in-and-around environmentally sensitive marine environments. Removing underwater concrete bridge piers and rock outcroppings can
Background For purposes of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process, Federal agencies have initiated efforts on how to assess the impacts of potential GHG emissions from proposed Federal actions
On-road mobile sources are still considered a major pollution source, especially in high-density urban areas. Regulatory measures have significantly decreased the emissions from tailpipes but other uncontrolled emissions from brake-wear,
Wildlife-vehicle conflicts (WVC) are a major safety, mobility, and sustainability concern for transportation infrastructure. Cross-referencing WVC data across states with right-of-way (ROW) vegetation management may yield ROW maintenance recommendations that
Fish passage barriers are a significant threat to the recovery of threatened and endangered fish and other aquatic species. There are often limitations to transportation funding that require the prioritization
Culvert and bridge design involve safely passing floods and debris while minimizing instability and maintenance requirements. Culverts and bridges also have the potential to reduce wildlife-vehicle conflicts (WVC) by facilitating
When a transportation project is undertaken, an air quality analysis may be required to meet federal and/or state requirements related to U.S. EPA transportation conformity regulations, NEPA, associated FHWA guidance,
The objective of this project is to develop guidance on how to apply microscopic traffic simulation models to project level emissions analysis, focusing specifically on vehicle trajectory information. This project
Background On January 18, 2017, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) published the final performance measure rule (PM3) under MAP-21. This rule, which took effect on May 20, 2017, established CMAQ
In the absence of national or state best practices and recommended design guidance, the objectives of this research, include: • Document current and emerging regional and nation-wide best practices, case
Nationwide tracking of Section 106/NEPA commitments. Finding lost commitments. Inventory and access, tracking commitments, manage workflow. Issues with MOAs, expiration dates. Immediate time frame, making sure inspectors can find the
What are the best practices for succession and workforce planning in other to retain intuitional knowledge to ensure continuity in treatment of cultural resources for transportation projects. Workforce planning project
Roadside fires are increasing in many parts of the US, partially amplified by climate change and increased traffic volumes as well as stress on maintenance budgets. Wildfire prevention and response
As more state DOTs are installing wildlife fencing, overpasses and underpasses, maintenance staff are faced with deciding how to manage vegetation, maintain structures intended for different types of animals, and
A major update to the MOVES emission model used in air quality analyses of transportation improvement projects is expected later this year, which may result in significant changes to forecast
Recent advances in highway acoustic noise measurement technology have shown most vehicle noise generators are either at the tire/pavement interface or are positioned within 3.3 feet above the roadway surface.
Blasting, bridge pier construction, and other construction activities can temporarily increase noise and vibration levels, but to what extent does this occur inside caves? Collect and analyze noise and vibration
Traffic volumes dropped substantially across the nation as a result of stay-at-home policies implemented during the coronavirus pandemic, resulting in improved air quality which in turn can lead to improved
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